Thursday, October 16, 2008

LOL...wher R U?

I think we can all admit that technology has come a long way.  I imagine this way of living is in many aspects much better then living without technology.  The one drawback that usually gets me upset with this said technology is the fact that we are always available virtually 24/7.  Between my cell phone and Facebook, I am constantly available and virtually around all the time.  All of this "availability" has led our students to believe that we are in fact available to them 24/7.  

It is not uncommon for me to receive emails from students at 3:30 a.m. in the morning.  Since I am a sucker for technology and receive my emails on my Blackberry, I get that said email at 3:30 a.m. in the morning.  Then when I go to the office, students are like, so did you get my email yet?  As if I was supposed to respond as soon as my nice phone notified me at 3:30 a.m.  There also is the expectation that I must not have a life, therefor I should be available to answer my phone at all times.  I wonder if students think that I never go to the restroom, have dinner, have a family or occasionally *gasp* turn my cell phone off.  I sometimes feel guilty for not being available 24/7.  

I am not really complaining about the ridiculous times I get emails, texts or calls, but am just amazed that we now live in a generation where this is the expectation and norm of the students we work with.  I also have done a poor job at projecting the fact that I do have boundaries.  At work we give the impression that we are available all the time and when we fail to be constantly available, we get frustrated when are students get frustrated.  I think that might be a catch-22 or some pandora's box of something-or-the-other.  

Despite the constantly being available, I do love having my Blackberry.  I love status updates on Facebook.  I love texting.  I love wireless Internet.  I love that I am connected to everything and everyone in a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds.  I just wish that I could do it in a cloak of anonymity.  I guess this makes my preferred style as "stalker".  I guess I cannot have my cake and eat it to -- to be connected must mean I must be available.  I guess that is more of a question rather than a statement?  

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Farts are funny - almost always and all of the time...

Today I woke up early to go to the dentist.  I scheduled the appointment at 8 a.m. thinking to go before work.  Of course, I sleep until the last minute and then try to cancel.  Luckily (or unluckily) the number I called would not accept appointment changes.  So, I woke up and went to go get my new crown on.  All in all, the dentist appointment was quick and painless (my favorite kind of visit).  

The best part about going to the dentist however, was going to the gas station afterwards to grab some smokes and a coffee.  This man came storming in to the gas station, and was all like "where's the coffee?!".  I was thinking, "Hey dumbass, you are standing in front of it".  I proceed to pay for my purchases.  He then storms out after me and muttering to himself.  He purchased nothing.  After I walk out and he is holding the door open for me, he again mutters something.  He then proceeded to rip the loudest fart.  I was stunned.  Was he muttering to himself that he needed to fart?  What do you do after some stranger breaks wind in windbreaker pants?  I went to my car and could not stop staring at him.  He must have known I heard because he kept looking at me until I decided to pull away from the parking lot.

That pretty much was the highlight of my day -- some dude stepping on a duck.  Go Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The "Why" of Now

I was trying to think of a good description for this blog, and all I could think of was something along the lines of "It's all about me...Always".  I suppose that is an accurate description of what it will be because I have no idea what does not relate to me in someway and what I would write about that had absolutely nothing to do with me.  

I do not understand why everyone and their sister has a blog.  Despite me thinking this, I proceeded to create my own (again).  Mostly I hope to just share thoughts (bitch about things) and get in the habit of writing out my thoughts.  For some reason or the other, I think it has the potential to be fun -- which means I will be into it for about a week or so.  I have a fear of commitment.  Online journals seems like a commitment.  

I do not have any hopes that anyone will ever read this or take it seriously.  There has got to be a bajillion other more interesting individuals out there with way better blogs (I know, I have read them).  So, in conclusion, this will be my almost semi-private way of documenting the trivial shit I observe and hopefully help me to articulate my jumbled thoughts in a more coherent way.